How to get yellow color on flipnotes
How to get yellow color on flipnotes

  • Pour two cups of Coke and pour it into the toilet bowl.
  • The mixture will double up as a bleaching solution as well as a disinfectant. You could also add a pinch of sodium bicarbonate to take things up a notch. Mixing these two options is the best solution for tougher stains. Use a strong scrubing brush CokeĬoke contains phosphoric, carbonic, and citric acid which work very well with other acidic materials. For a more reactive approach, you can warm up or heat the vinegar to a good temperature then pour it in the toilet bowl. This method is rather easy and straightforward as you only need to let the vinegar work its magic.

    how to get yellow color on flipnotes

    Let it sit for a while to dislodge the yellow stains.Take a cup of vinegar and pour it generously into the toilet bowl making sure all the areas of the bowl are attended to.Pigmentation is not severe, using this acidic solution is the perfect choice Vinegar is acidic in nature, therefore, offers the rightĬhemical solution to getting rid of the stains. Stains in the toilet bowl, let’s now look at simple ways you can get rid of Since you’ve identified what is the cause of the yellow Tannins are decayed organic matter like decayed vegetation and animal matter that appears in most municipal water.īecause they are difficult it filter, they will find a way to your water tank and every time you flush, the water will release tannins that stick in the walls of the toilet bowl, further causing discoloration.

    how to get yellow color on flipnotes

    Similar to hard water stains that cause brown rings and sediments in the toilet, the tannins can cause the loo to have a yellow lining. As the surface of the bowl dries, the pigment will etch more causing the stain time even darken after some time.Īnother cause of yellow discoloration in the toilet is tannins available in the water. The more the urine will stay the more the color of the stain will intensify. Urine has a yellow pigment known as urobilin or urochrome, which gives it its yellow hue.Įvery time you pee, the bowl holds on to the pigmentation for as long as the toilet is not flushed immediately and regularly cleaned. Pale yellow stains in your toilet bowl are a result of urine residue accumulation.

    How to get yellow color on flipnotes