Sqlite database android tutorial
Sqlite database android tutorial

  1. Sqlite database android tutorial how to#
  2. Sqlite database android tutorial android#

  • Inserting a row in the database using database.insert() method returns the row id.
  • You can actually save Date as a string if you please, but we use long so that we can easily perform greater than and/or less than comparisons while querying the database.
  • We put Date in the ContentValue object as a long, which will translate to SQLite database storage class INTEGER.
  • Values to be stored in the database are placed in a ContentValue object, with the column name as the key.
  • We get a SQLiteDatabase object that permits write access to the database.
  • There are four important things to note in the code snippet above: You may want to read both if you aren’t familiar with the concepts. Also, we use recyclerview to display lists, as also discussed previously.

    Sqlite database android tutorial android#

    If you are not familiar with the concept, check out my previous article discussing Android data binding. Regular readers of this series will notice that we’ve recently begun using the Android data binding techniques for tutorials. To read more about SQLite databases, visit the SQLite web site. An exciting tidbit of information is that SQLite is the most used database engine in the world, and quite possibly the most widely deployed software ever. In fact, in Android, device contacts, and media are stored and referenced using SQLite databases. SQLite is native to both Android and iOS, and every app can create and use an SQLite database if they so desire. What this means is that you can bundle a SQLite database with your application, and get access to all the power of a relational database within your application. Rather, it is embedded into the end program. It implements most of the SQL standard, but unlike the four database engines mentioned above, it is not a client-server database engine. SQLite is a relational database management system, similar to Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQL Server.

    Sqlite database android tutorial how to#

    In this tutorial, I delve into how to use an SQLite database in more detail.

    sqlite database android tutorial

    However, due to article length constraints, I could not adequately cover creating and using an SQLite database for data persistence. I recently published a tutorial describing the different available methods to store data locally in an Android app.

    Sqlite database android tutorial