Warhammer 2 total war guide
Warhammer 2 total war guide

Nurgle’s flying cavalry, and very fast, perfect for disrupting enemy archer lines. The Pox Riders are effectively the same unit, but better. Use them to flank and mulch enemy infantry or light cavalry, but watch out for anti-large cavalry or halberds. With 60 speed, they’re still slower than your typical heavy cav, but play much the same role. With riders or without, these gigantic toads are Nurgle’s monstrous cavalry option. They’re also unbreakable, making them ideal for tying down key units while others get into place.

warhammer 2 total war guide

The tanks have a huge health pool, which makes them particularly useful with Nurgle’s healing abilities. Otherwise, they’re great for supporting your frontline against elite infantry, or harassing archers in a pinch. Like all units with regen, they take extra damage from fire attacks, like that of Ogre Firebellies or Exalted Bloodletters of Khorne, so be a bit careful with your engagements. These slimy funsters are single entities with a nice bump in speed compared to your frontline, armour piercing, and regeneration. Use that increased speed to get some early charges into the flanks of whatever the Plaguebearers or Nurglings engage head on. Forsaken of Nurgleįaster, stronger, and with better armour than Plaguebearers, but with less health and a lower model count, Forsaken are best used to support your frontline. This is something Nurgle can struggle with in general, so a nice option to have. I’ve found this very useful for focus-firing down large single entities, like enemy monsters, once tarpitted in combat with your other troops. The Exalted are the upgraded version, and come with a ranged attack.

warhammer 2 total war guide

Vulnerable, like much of the roster, to sustained missile fire, and not the best damage dealers, but able to hold the line like little else. Nurgle’s standard frontline troop, these melee infantry are lacking in speed but durable enough to make up for it. Use them to take charges or tar pit elite infantry.

Warhammer 2 total war guide upgrade#

Keep them close to Ku’Gath for that regeneration aura, spec into a few early game upgrade techs, and these adorable little pus goblins become very hard to kill.

warhammer 2 total war guide

Nurgle’s basic meat shield/chaff unit, Nurglings can still soak up a lot of damage. Send them up the flanks then bounce them around between enemy archers, disrupting their lines and summoning in units, to cause real problems. At higher levels, they can summon a unit of plaguebearers three times a battle, and a great unclean one once. The cultist can gain access to a horse mount early, which you should absolutely take for its speed. As is true for the rest of the roster, take any opportunity to add more mobility to your army. You can mount them on a Palanquin for more health, but you’ll find much more utility in their Rotfly mounts. Hybrid melee/spellcasters with that trademark Nurgle tankiness. Swap them out with Exalted Great Unclean One whenever possible. They’re functionally very similar, though slightly better, than the Plagueridden heroes.

warhammer 2 total war guide

Your basic Nurgle lord, Heralds aren’t incredible in melee, but do have access to the usual Nurgle survivability. Essentially more melee-focused Ku’Gaths without the artillery weapon, these stinky boys are huge damage sponges, with a range of effective debuffs for swinging melee grinds. This is always worth doing, unless you’ve carefully specced out a Herald for a specific purpose. Once your Heralds hit rank fifteen, you’ll be given the option to turn them into an Exalted Great Unclean one, at the cost of half their levels. Even with a huge health pool, he’s still a big target for enemy missiles, so keep an eye on his HP and make sure you’re using your mobile contingent to tie up potential threats. Keep him close to Nurglings in combat for a passive regeneration aura, and spec him into his ‘Pestilent Decay’ skill to cause constant damage to anything around him. Use his nurgling launcher to bait your foe into moving up on your army, negating Nurgle’s slow speed. Nurgle’s sole legendary lord, this biggest of Chungi is effectively a moving artillery piece with some devastating buffs and debuffs close up. You can find out where Nurgle ranks on our faction tier list. But Nurgle can still be a hugely rewarding and interesting battlefield experience, once you iron out a few kinks. You’d be absolutely forgiven for feeling that playing a faction of spluttering, bile-flecked demons that delight in spreading devastating pandemics hits a little too close for comfort.

Warhammer 2 total war guide